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- char *cmdv = "Unix cmd package V1A(021), 19 Jun 85";
- /* C K U C M D -- Interactive command package for Unix */
- /*
- Modelled after the DECSYSTEM-20 command parser (the COMND JSYS)
- Features:
- . parses and verifies keywords, text strings, numbers, and other data
- . displays appropriate menu or help message when user types "?"
- . does keyword and filename completion when user types ESC
- . accepts any unique abbreviation for a keyword
- . allows keywords to have attributes, like "invisible"
- . can supply defaults for fields omitted by user
- . provides command line editing (character, word, and line deletion)
- . accepts input from keyboard, command files, or redirected stdin
- . allows for full or half duplex operation, character or line input
- . settable prompt, protected from deletion
- Functions:
- cmsetp - Set prompt (cmprom is prompt string, cmerrp is error msg prefix)
- cmsavp - Save current prompt
- prompt - Issue prompt
- cmini - Clear the command buffer (before parsing a new command)
- cmres - Reset command buffer pointers (before reparsing)
- cmkey - Parse a keyword
- cmnum - Parse a number
- cmifi - Parse an input file name
- cmofi - Parse an output file name
- cmfld - Parse an arbitrary field
- cmtxt - Parse a text string
- cmcfm - Parse command confirmation (end of line)
- stripq - Strip out backslash quotes from a string.
- Return codes:
- -3: no input provided when required
- -2: input was invalid
- -1: reparse required (user deleted into a preceding field)
- 0 or greater: success
- See individual functions for greater detail.
- Before using these routines, the caller should #include ckucmd.h, and
- set the program's prompt by calling cmsetp(). If the file parsing
- functions cmifi and cmofi are to be used, this module must be linked
- with a ck?fio file system support module for the appropriate system,
- e.g. ckufio for Unix. If the caller puts the terminal in
- character wakeup ("cbreak") mode with no echo, then these functions will
- provide line editing -- character, word, and line deletion, as well as
- keyword and filename completion upon ESC and help strings, keyword, or
- file menus upon '?'. If the caller puts the terminal into character
- wakeup/noecho mode, care should be taken to restore it before exit from
- or interruption of the program. If the character wakeup mode is not
- set, the system's own line editor may be used.
- Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC@CU20B),
- Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, January 1985.
- Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
- Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
- redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this
- copyright notice is retained.
- */
- /* Includes */
- #include <stdio.h> /* Standard C I/O package */
- #include <ctype.h> /* Character types */
- #include "ckucmd.h" /* Command parsing definitions */
- #include "ckcdeb.h" /* Formats for debug() */
- /* Local variables */
- int psetf = 0, /* Flag that prompt has been set */
- cc = 0, /* Character count */
- dpx = 0; /* Duplex (0 = full) */
- int hw = HLPLW, /* Help line width */
- hc = HLPCW, /* Help line column width */
- hh, /* Current help column number */
- hx; /* Current help line position */
- #define PROML 60 /* Maximum length for prompt */
- char cmprom[PROML+1]; /* Program's prompt */
- char *dfprom = "Command? "; /* Default prompt */
- char cmerrp[PROML+1]; /* Program's error message prefix */
- int cmflgs; /* Command flags */
- char cmdbuf[CMDBL+4]; /* Command buffer */
- char hlpbuf[HLPBL+4]; /* Help string buffer */
- char atmbuf[ATMBL+4]; /* Atom buffer */
- char filbuf[ATMBL+4]; /* File name buffer */
- /* Command buffer pointers */
- static char *bp, /* Current command buffer position */
- *pp, /* Start of current field */
- *np; /* Start of next field */
- long zchki(); /* From ck?fio.c. */
- /* C M S E T P -- Set the program prompt. */
- cmsetp(s) char *s; {
- char *sx, *sy, *strncpy();
- psetf = 1; /* Flag that prompt has been set. */
- strncpy(cmprom,s,PROML - 1); /* Copy the string. */
- cmprom[PROML] = NUL; /* Ensure null terminator. */
- sx = cmprom; sy = cmerrp; /* Also use as error message prefix. */
- while (*sy++ = *sx++) ; /* Copy. */
- sy -= 2; if (*sy == '>') *sy = NUL; /* Delete any final '>'. */
- }
- /* C M S A V P -- Save a copy of the current prompt. */
- cmsavp(s,n) int n; char s[]; {
- extern char *strncpy(); /* +1 */
- strncpy(s,cmprom,n-1);
- s[n] = NUL;
- }
- /* P R O M P T -- Issue the program prompt. */
- prompt() {
- if (psetf == 0) cmsetp(dfprom); /* If no prompt set, set default. */
- printf("\r%s",cmprom); /* Print the prompt. */
- }
- /* C M R E S -- Reset pointers to beginning of command buffer. */
- cmres() {
- cc = 0; /* Reset character counter. */
- pp = np = bp = cmdbuf; /* Point to command buffer. */
- cmflgs = -5; /* Parse not yet started. */
- }
- /* C M I N I -- Clear the command and atom buffers, reset pointers. */
- /*
- The argument specifies who is to echo the user's typein --
- 1 means the cmd package echoes
- 0 somebody else (system, front end, terminal) echoes
- */
- cmini(d) int d; {
- for (bp = cmdbuf; bp < cmdbuf+CMDBL; bp++) *bp = NUL;
- *atmbuf = NUL;
- dpx = d;
- cmres();
- }
- stripq(s) char *s; { /* Function to strip '\' quotes */
- char *t;
- while (*s) {
- if (*s == '\\') {
- for (t = s; *t != '\0'; t++) *t = *(t+1);
- }
- s++;
- }
- }
- /* C M N U M -- Parse a number in the indicated radix */
- /* For now, only works for positive numbers in base 10. */
- /*
- Returns
- -3 if no input present when required,
- -2 if user typed an illegal number,
- -1 if reparse needed,
- 0 otherwise, with n set to number that was parsed
- */
- cmnum(xhlp,xdef,radix,n) char *xhlp, *xdef; int radix, *n; {
- int x; char *s;
- if (radix != 10) { /* Just do base 10 for now */
- printf("cmnum: illegal radix - %d\n",radix);
- return(-1);
- }
- x = cmfld(xhlp,xdef,&s);
- debug(F101,"cmnum: cmfld","",x);
- if (x < 0) return(x); /* Parse a field */
- if (digits(atmbuf)) { /* Convert to number */
- *n = atoi(atmbuf);
- return(x);
- } else {
- printf("\n?not a number - %s\n",s);
- return(-2);
- }
- }
- /* C M O F I -- Parse the name of an output file */
- /*
- Depends on the external function zchko(); if zchko() not available, use
- cmfld() to parse output file names.
- Returns
- -3 if no input present when required,
- -2 if permission would be denied to create the file,
- -1 if reparse needed,
- 0 or 1 otherwise, with xp pointing to name.
- */
- cmofi(xhlp,xdef,xp) char *xhlp, *xdef, **xp; {
- int x; char *s;
- if (*xhlp == NUL) xhlp = "Output file";
- *xp = "";
- if ((x = cmfld(xhlp,xdef,&s)) < 0) return(x);
- if (chkwld(s)) {
- printf("\n?Wildcards not allowed - %s\n",s);
- return(-2);
- }
- if (zchko(s) < 0) {
- printf("\n?Write permission denied - %s\n",s);
- return(-2);
- } else {
- *xp = s;
- return(x);
- }
- }
- /* C M I F I -- Parse the name of an existing file */
- /*
- This function depends on the external functions:
- zchki() - Check if input file exists and is readable.
- zxpand() - Expand a wild file specification into a list.
- znext() - Return next file name from list.
- If these functions aren't available, then use cmfld() to parse filenames.
- */
- /*
- Returns
- -4 EOF
- -3 if no input present when required,
- -2 if file does not exist or is not readable,
- -1 if reparse needed,
- 0 or 1 otherwise, with:
- xp pointing to name,
- wild = 1 if name contains '*' or '?', 0 otherwise.
- */
- cmifi(xhlp,xdef,xp,wild) char *xhlp, *xdef, **xp; int *wild; {
- int i, x, xc; long y; char *sp;
- cc = xc = 0; /* Initialize counts & pointers */
- *xp = "";
- if ((x = cmflgs) != 1) { /* Already confirmed? */
- x = getwd(); /* No, get a word */
- } else {
- cc = setatm(xdef); /* If so, use default, if any. */
- }
- *xp = atmbuf; /* Point to result. */
- *wild = chkwld(*xp);
- while (1) {
- xc += cc; /* Count the characters. */
- debug(F111,"cmifi: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
- switch (x) {
- case -4: /* EOF */
- case -2: /* Out of space. */
- case -1: /* Reparse needed */
- return(x);
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...cmifi(), cont'd */
- case 0: /* SP or NL */
- case 1:
- if (xc == 0) *xp = xdef; /* If no input, return default. */
- else *xp = atmbuf;
- if (**xp == NUL) return(-3); /* If field empty, return -3. */
- /* If filespec is wild, see if there are any matches */
- *wild = chkwld(*xp);
- debug(F101," *wild","",*wild);
- if (*wild != 0) {
- y = zxpand(*xp);
- if (y == 0) {
- printf("\n?No files match - %s\n",*xp);
- return(-2);
- } else if (y < 0) {
- printf("\n?Too many files match - %s\n",*xp);
- return(-2);
- } else return(x);
- }
- /* If not wild, see if it exists and is readable. */
- y = zchki(*xp);
- if (y == -3) {
- printf("\n?Read permission denied - %s\n",*xp);
- return(-2);
- } else if (y == -2) {
- printf("\n?File not readable - %s\n",*xp);
- return(-2);
- } else if (y < 0) {
- printf("\n?File not found - %s\n",*xp);
- return(-2);
- }
- return(x);
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...cmifi(), cont'd */
- case 2: /* ESC */
- if (xc == 0) {
- if (*xdef != '\0') {
- printf("%s ",xdef); /* If at beginning of field, */
- addbuf(xdef); /* supply default. */
- cc = setatm(xdef);
- } else { /* No default */
- putchar(BEL);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (*wild = chkwld(*xp)) { /* No completion if wild */
- putchar(BEL);
- break;
- }
- sp = atmbuf + cc;
- *sp++ = '*';
- *sp-- = '\0';
- y = zxpand(atmbuf); /* Add * and expand list. */
- *sp = '\0'; /* Remove *. */
- if (y == 0) {
- printf("\n?No files match - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(-2);
- } else if (y < 0) {
- printf("\n?Too many files match - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(-2);
- } else if (y > 1) { /* Not unique, just beep. */
- putchar(BEL);
- } else { /* Unique, complete it. */
- znext(filbuf); /* Get whole name of file. */
- sp = filbuf + cc; /* Point past what user typed. */
- printf("%s ",sp); /* Complete the name. */
- addbuf(sp); /* Add the characters to cmdbuf. */
- setatm(pp); /* And to atmbuf. */
- *xp = atmbuf; /* Return pointer to atmbuf. */
- return(cmflgs = 0);
- }
- break;
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...cmifi(), cont'd */
- case 3: /* Question mark */
- if (*xhlp == NUL)
- printf(" Input file specification");
- else
- printf(" %s",xhlp);
- if (xc > 0) {
- sp = atmbuf + cc; /* Insert * at end */
- *sp++ = '*';
- *sp-- = '\0';
- y = zxpand(atmbuf);
- *sp = '\0';
- if (y == 0) {
- printf("\n?No files match - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(-2);
- } else if (y < 0) {
- printf("\n?Too many file match - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(-2);
- } else {
- printf(", one of the following:\n");
- clrhlp();
- for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
- znext(filbuf);
- addhlp(filbuf);
- }
- dmphlp();
- }
- } else printf("\n");
- printf("%s%s",cmprom,cmdbuf);
- break;
- }
- x = getwd();
- }
- }
- /* C H K W L D -- Check for wildcard characters '*' or '?' */
- chkwld(s) char *s; {
- for ( ; *s != '\0'; s++) {
- if ((*s == '*') || (*s == '?'))
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* C M F L D -- Parse an arbitrary field */
- /*
- Returns
- -3 if no input present when required,
- -2 if field too big for buffer,
- -1 if reparse needed,
- 0 otherwise, xp pointing to string result.
- */
- cmfld(xhlp,xdef,xp) char *xhlp, *xdef, **xp; {
- int x, xc;
- cc = xc = 0; /* Initialize counts & pointers */
- *xp = "";
- if ((x = cmflgs) != 1) { /* Already confirmed? */
- x = getwd(); /* No, get a word */
- } else {
- cc = setatm(xdef); /* If so, use default, if any. */
- }
- *xp = atmbuf; /* Point to result. */
- while (1) {
- xc += cc; /* Count the characters. */
- debug(F111,"cmfld: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
- debug(F101," x","",x);
- switch (x) {
- case -4: /* EOF */
- case -2: /* Out of space. */
- case -1: /* Reparse needed */
- return(x);
- case 0: /* SP or NL */
- case 1:
- if (xc == 0) *xp = xdef; /* If no input, return default. */
- else *xp = atmbuf;
- if (**xp == NUL) x = -3; /* If field empty, return -3. */
- return(x);
- case 2: /* ESC */
- if (xc == 0) {
- printf("%s ",xdef); /* If at beginning of field, */
- addbuf(xdef); /* supply default. */
- cc = setatm(xdef); /* Return as if whole field */
- return(0); /* typed, followed by space. */
- } else {
- putchar(BEL); /* Beep if already into field. */
- }
- break;
- case 3: /* Question mark */
- if (*xhlp == NUL)
- printf(" Please complete this field");
- else
- printf(" %s",xhlp);
- printf("\n%s%s",cmprom,cmdbuf);
- break;
- }
- x = getwd();
- }
- }
- /* C M T X T -- Get a text string, including confirmation */
- /*
- Print help message 'xhlp' if ? typed, supply default 'xdef' if null
- string typed. Returns
- -1 if reparse needed or buffer overflows.
- 1 otherwise.
- with cmflgs set to return code, and xp pointing to result string.
- */
- cmtxt(xhlp,xdef,xp) char *xhlp; char *xdef; char **xp; {
- int x;
- static int xc;
- debug(F101,"cmtxt, cmflgs","",cmflgs);
- cc = 0; /* Start atmbuf counter off at 0 */
- if (cmflgs == -1) { /* If reparsing, */
- xc = strlen(*xp); /* get back the total text length, */
- } else { /* otherwise, */
- *xp = ""; /* start fresh. */
- xc = 0;
- }
- *atmbuf = NUL; /* And empty atom buffer. */
- if ((x = cmflgs) != 1) {
- x = getwd(); /* Get first word. */
- *xp = pp; /* Save pointer to it. */
- }
- while (1) {
- xc += cc; /* Char count for all words. */
- debug(F111,"cmtxt: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
- debug(F101," x","",x);
- switch (x) {
- case -4: /* EOF */
- case -2: /* Overflow */
- case -1: /* Deletion */
- return(x);
- case 0: /* Space */
- xc++; /* Just count it */
- break;
- case 1: /* CR or LF */
- if (xc == 0) *xp = xdef;
- return(x);
- case 2: /* ESC */
- if (xc == 0) {
- printf("%s ",xdef);
- cc = addbuf(xdef);
- } else {
- putchar(BEL);
- }
- break;
- case 3: /* Question Mark */
- if (*xhlp == NUL)
- printf(" Text string");
- else
- printf(" %s",xhlp);
- printf("\n%s%s",cmprom,cmdbuf);
- break;
- default:
- printf("\n?Unexpected return code from getwd() - %d\n",x);
- return(-2);
- }
- x = getwd();
- }
- }
- /* C M K E Y -- Parse a keyword */
- /*
- Call with:
- table -- keyword table, in 'struct keytab' format;
- n -- number of entries in table;
- xhlp -- pointer to help string;
- xdef -- pointer to default keyword;
- Returns:
- -3 -- no input supplied and no default available
- -2 -- input doesn't uniquely match a keyword in the table
- -1 -- user deleted too much, command reparse required
- n >= 0 -- value associated with keyword
- */
- cmkey(table,n,xhlp,xdef) struct keytab table[]; int n; char *xhlp, *xdef; {
- int i, y, z, zz, xc;
- char *xp;
- xc = cc = 0; /* Clear character counters. */
- if ((zz = cmflgs) == 1) /* Command already entered? */
- setatm(xdef);
- else zz = getwd();
- debug(F101,"cmkey: table length","",n);
- debug(F101," cmflgs","",cmflgs);
- debug(F101," zz","",zz);
- while (1) {
- xc += cc;
- debug(F111,"cmkey: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
- switch(zz) {
- case -4: /* EOF */
- case -2: /* Buffer overflow */
- case -1: /* Or user did some deleting. */
- return(zz);
- case 0: /* User terminated word with space */
- case 1: /* or newline */
- if (cc == 0) setatm(xdef);
- y = lookup(table,atmbuf,n,&z);
- switch (y) {
- case -2:
- printf("\n?Ambiguous - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(cmflgs = -2);
- case -1:
- printf("\n?Invalid - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(cmflgs = -2);
- default:
- break;
- }
- return(y);
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...cmkey(), cont'd */
- case 2: /* User terminated word with ESC */
- if (cc == 0) {
- if (*xdef != NUL) { /* Nothing in atmbuf */
- printf("%s ",xdef); /* Supply default if any */
- addbuf(xdef);
- cc = setatm(xdef);
- debug(F111,"cmkey: default",atmbuf,cc);
- } else {
- putchar(BEL); /* No default, just beep */
- break;
- }
- }
- y = lookup(table,atmbuf,n,&z); /* Something in atmbuf */
- debug(F111,"cmkey: esc",atmbuf,y);
- if (y == -2) {
- putchar(BEL);
- break;
- }
- if (y == -1) {
- printf("\n?Invalid - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(cmflgs = -2);
- }
- xp = table[z].kwd + cc;
- printf("%s ",xp);
- addbuf(xp);
- debug(F110,"cmkey: addbuf",cmdbuf,0);
- return(y);
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...cmkey(), cont'd */
- case 3: /* User terminated word with "?" */
- y = lookup(table,atmbuf,n,&z);
- if (y > -1) {
- printf(" %s\n%s%s",table[z].kwd,cmprom,cmdbuf);
- break;
- } else if (y == -1) {
- printf("\n?Invalid\n");
- return(cmflgs = -2);
- }
- if (*xhlp == NUL)
- printf(" One of the following:\n");
- else
- printf(" %s, one of the following:\n",xhlp);
- clrhlp();
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (!strncmp(table[i].kwd,atmbuf,cc)
- && !test(table[i].flgs,CM_INV))
- addhlp(table[i].kwd);
- }
- dmphlp();
- printf("%s%s", cmprom, cmdbuf);
- break;
- default:
- printf("\n%d - Unexpected return code from getwd\n",zz);
- return(cmflgs = -2);
- }
- zz = getwd();
- }
- }
- /* C M C F M -- Parse command confirmation (end of line) */
- /*
- Returns
- -2: User typed anything but whitespace or newline
- -1: Reparse needed
- 0: Confirmation was received
- */
- cmcfm() {
- int x, xc;
- debug(F101,"cmcfm: cmflgs","",cmflgs);
- xc = cc = 0;
- if (cmflgs == 1) return(0);
- while (1) {
- x = getwd();
- xc += cc;
- debug(F111,"cmcfm: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
- switch (x) {
- case -4: /* EOF */
- case -2:
- case -1:
- return(x);
- case 0: /* Space */
- continue;
- case 1: /* End of line */
- if (xc > 0) {
- printf("?Not confirmed - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(-2);
- } else return(0);
- case 2:
- putchar(BEL);
- continue;
- case 3:
- if (xc > 0) {
- printf("\n?Not confirmed - %s\n",atmbuf);
- return(-2);
- }
- printf("\n Type a carriage return to confirm the command\n");
- printf("%s%s",cmprom,cmdbuf);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Keyword help routines */
- /* C L R H L P -- Initialize/Clear the help line buffer */
- clrhlp() { /* Clear the help buffer */
- hlpbuf[0] = NUL;
- hh = hx = 0;
- }
- /* A D D H L P -- Add a string to the help line buffer */
- addhlp(s) char *s; { /* Add a word to the help buffer */
- int j;
- hh++; /* Count this column */
- for (j = 0; (j < hc) && (*s != NUL); j++) { /* Fill the column */
- hlpbuf[hx++] = *s++;
- }
- if (*s != NUL) /* Still some chars left in string? */
- hlpbuf[hx-1] = '+'; /* Mark as too long for column. */
- if (hh < (hw / hc)) { /* Pad col with spaces if necessary */
- for (; j < hc; j++) {
- hlpbuf[hx++] = SP;
- }
- } else { /* If last column, */
- hlpbuf[hx++] = NUL; /* no spaces. */
- dmphlp(); /* Print it. */
- return;
- }
- }
- /* D M P H L P -- Dump the help line buffer */
- dmphlp() { /* Print the help buffer */
- hlpbuf[hx++] = NUL;
- printf(" %s\n",hlpbuf);
- clrhlp();
- }
- /* L O O K U P -- Lookup the string in the given array of strings */
- /*
- Call this way: v = lookup(table,word,n,&x);
- table - a 'struct keytab' table.
- word - the target string to look up in the table.
- n - the number of elements in the table.
- x - address of an integer for returning the table array index.
- The keyword table must be arranged in ascending alphabetical order, and
- all letters must be lowercase.
- Returns the keyword's associated value ( zero or greater ) if found,
- with the variable x set to the array index, or:
- -3 if nothing to look up (target was null),
- -2 if ambiguous,
- -1 if not found.
- A match is successful if the target matches a keyword exactly, or if
- the target is a prefix of exactly one keyword. It is ambiguous if the
- target matches two or more keywords from the table.
- */
- lookup(table,cmd,n,x) char *cmd; struct keytab table[]; int n, *x; {
- int i, v, cmdlen;
- /* Lowercase & get length of target, if it's null return code -3. */
- if ((((cmdlen = lower(cmd))) == 0) || (n < 1)) return(-3);
- /* Not null, look it up */
- for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(table[i].kwd,cmd) ||
- ((v = !strncmp(table[i].kwd,cmd,cmdlen)) &&
- strncmp(table[i+1].kwd,cmd,cmdlen))) {
- *x = i;
- return(table[i].val);
- }
- if (v) return(-2);
- }
- /* Last (or only) element */
- if (!strncmp(table[n-1].kwd,cmd,cmdlen)) {
- *x = n-1;
- return(table[n-1].val);
- } else return(-1);
- }
- /* G E T W D -- Gets a "word" from the command input stream */
- /*
- Usage: retcode = getwd();
- Returns:
- -4 if end of file (e.g. pipe broken)
- -2 if command buffer overflows
- -1 if user did some deleting
- 0 if word terminates with SP or tab
- 1 if ... CR
- 2 if ... ESC
- 3 if ... ?
- With:
- pp pointing to beginning of word in buffer
- bp pointing to after current position
- atmbuf containing a copy of the word
- cc containing the number of characters in the word copied to atmbuf
- */
- getwd() {
- int c; /* Current char */
- static int inword = 0; /* Flag for start of word found */
- int quote = 0; /* Flag for quote character */
- int echof = 0; /* Flag for whether to echo */
- int ignore = 0;
- pp = np; /* Start of current field */
- debug(F101,"getwd: cmdbuf","",(int) cmdbuf);
- debug(F101," bp","",(int) bp);
- debug(F101," pp","",(int) pp);
- debug(F110," cmdbuf",cmdbuf,0);
- while (bp < cmdbuf+CMDBL) { /* Loop */
- ignore = echof = 0; /* Flag for whether to echo */
- if ((c = *bp) == NUL) { /* Get next character */
- if (dpx) echof = 1; /* from reparse buffer */
- c = getchar(); /* or from tty. */
- if (c == EOF) return(-4);
- } else ignore = 1;
- if (quote == 0) {
- if (!ignore && (c == '\\')) { /* Quote character */
- quote = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (c == FF) { /* Formfeed. */
- c = NL; /* Replace with newline */
- #ifdef aegis
- putchar(FF);
- #else
- #ifdef AMIGA
- putchar(FF);
- #else
- system("clear"); /* and clear the screen. */
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- if (c == HT) c = SP; /* Substitute space for tab. */
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...getwd(), cont'd */
- if (c == SP) { /* If space */
- *bp++ = c; /* deposit it in buffer. */
- if (echof) putchar(c); /* echo it. */
- if (inword == 0) { /* If leading, gobble it. */
- pp++;
- continue;
- } else { /* If terminating, return. */
- np = bp;
- setatm(pp);
- inword = 0;
- return(cmflgs = 0);
- }
- }
- if (c == NL || c == CR) { /* CR, LF */
- *bp = NUL; /* End the string */
- if (echof) { /* If echoing, */
- putchar(c); /* echo the typein */
- #ifdef aegis
- if (c == CR) putchar(NL);
- #endif
- #ifdef AMIGA
- if (c == CR) putchar(NL);
- #endif
- }
- np = bp; /* Where to start next field. */
- setatm(pp); /* Copy this field to atom buffer. */
- inword = 0;
- return(cmflgs = 1);
- }
- if (!ignore && (c == '?')) { /* Question mark */
- putchar(c);
- *bp = NUL;
- setatm(pp);
- return(cmflgs = 3);
- }
- if (c == ESC) { /* ESC */
- *bp = NUL;
- setatm(pp);
- return(cmflgs = 2);
- }
- if (c == BS || c == RUB) { /* Character deletion */
- if (bp > cmdbuf) { /* If still in buffer... */
- printf("\b \b"); /* erase character from screen, */
- bp--; /* point behind it, */
- if (*bp == SP) inword = 0; /* Flag if current field gone */
- *bp = NUL; /* Erase character from buffer. */
- } else { /* Otherwise, */
- putchar(BEL); /* beep, */
- cmres(); /* and start parsing a new command. */
- }
- if (pp < bp) continue;
- else return(cmflgs = -1);
- }
- if (c == LDEL) { /* ^U, line deletion */
- while ((bp--) > cmdbuf) {
- printf("\b \b");
- *bp = NUL;
- }
- cmres(); /* Restart the command. */
- inword = 0;
- return(cmflgs = -1);
- }
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...getwd(), cont'd */
- if (c == WDEL) { /* ^W, word deletion */
- if (bp <= cmdbuf) { /* Beep if nothing to delete */
- putchar(BEL);
- cmres();
- return(cmflgs = -1);
- }
- bp--;
- for ( ; (bp >= cmdbuf) && (*bp == SP) ; bp--) {
- printf("\b \b");
- *bp = NUL;
- }
- for ( ; (bp >= cmdbuf) && (*bp != SP) ; bp--) {
- printf("\b \b");
- *bp = NUL;
- }
- bp++;
- inword = 0;
- return(cmflgs = -1);
- }
- if (c == RDIS) { /* ^R, redisplay */
- *bp = NUL;
- printf("\n%s%s",cmprom,cmdbuf);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (echof) putchar(c); /* If tty input, echo. */
- inword = 1; /* Flag we're in a word. */
- if (quote == 0 || c != NL) *bp++ = c; /* And deposit it. */
- quote = 0; /* Turn off quote. */
- } /* end of big while */
- putchar(BEL); /* Get here if... */
- printf("\n?Buffer full\n");
- return(cmflgs = -2);
- }
- /* Utility functions */
- /* A D D B U F -- Add the string pointed to by cp to the command buffer */
- addbuf(cp) char *cp; {
- int len = 0;
- while ((*cp != NUL) && (bp < cmdbuf+CMDBL)) {
- *bp++ = *cp++; /* Copy and */
- len++; /* count the characters. */
- }
- *bp++ = SP; /* Put a space at the end */
- *bp = NUL; /* Terminate with a null */
- np = bp; /* Update the next-field pointer */
- return(len); /* Return the length */
- }
- /* S E T A T M -- Deposit a string in the atom buffer */
- setatm(cp) char *cp; {
- char *ap;
- cc = 0;
- ap = atmbuf;
- *ap = NUL;
- while (*cp == SP) cp++;
- while ((*cp != SP) && (*cp != NL) && (*cp != NUL) && (*cp != CR)) {
- *ap++ = *cp++;
- cc++;
- }
- *ap++ = NUL;
- return(cc); /* Return length */
- }
- /* D I G I T S -- Verify that all the characters in line are digits */
- digits(s) char *s; {
- while (*s) {
- if (!isdigit(*s)) return(0);
- s++;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- /* L O W E R -- Lowercase a string */
- lower(s) char *s; {
- int n = 0;
- while (*s) {
- if (isupper(*s)) *s = tolower(*s);
- s++, n++;
- }
- return(n);
- }
- /* T E S T -- Bit test */
- test(x,m) int x, m; { /* Returns 1 if any bits from m are on in x, else 0 */
- return((x & m) ? 1 : 0);
- }